Erstbeschreibung: Eccles, David H. & E. Trewavas. 1989. „Malawian cichlid fishes. The Classification of some Haplochromine genera“. Lake Fish Movies, Herten, West Germany. pp 1-334
Typusart: Tilapia brevis BOULENGER, 1908
Beschriebene Arten:
Tramitichromis brevis BOULENGER, 1908
Tramitichromis intermedius TREWAVAS, 1935
Tramitichromis lituris TREWAVAS, 1931
Tramitichromis trilineatus TREWAVAS, 1931
Tramitichromis variabilis TREWAVAS, 1931
Unbeschriebene Arten:
sp. ‚brevis magunga‘
sp. ‚chembe circle‘
sp. ‚chembe shallow‘
sp. ‚east-coast shallow‘
sp. ‚false lituris‘
sp. ‚kande‘
sp. ‚lituris yellow‘
sp. ‚maculae‘
sp. ‚mvunguti‘
sp. ‚red gular‘
sp. ‚variabilis likoma‘
sp. ‚brevis two‘