Erstbeschreibung: Schmitter-Soto, Juan Jacobo. 2007. „A systematic revision of the genus Archocentrus (Perciformes: Cichlidae), with the description of two new genera and six new species“. Zootaxa. n. 1603, pp. 1-78
Typusart: Heros nigrofasciatus Günther, 1867
Beheimatet in: Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, El Salvador
Beschriebene Arten:
Amatitlania altoflava ALLGAYER, 2001
Amatitlania coatepeque SCHMITTER-SOTO, 2007
Amatitlania kanna SCHMITTER-SOTO, 2007
Amatitlania myrnae LOISELLE, 1997
Amatitlania nanolutea ALLGAYER, 1994
Amatitlania nigrofasciata GÜNTHER, 1867
Amatitlania sajica BUSSING, 1974
Amatitlania septemfasciata REGAN, 1908
Amatitlania siquia SCHMITTER-SOTO, 2007