Erstbeschreibung: Regan, Charles Tate. 1920. „The Classification of the Fishes of the Family Cichlidae.-I. The Tanganyika Genera“. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. (Ser. 9) v. 5; n. 25; pp. 33-53
Typusart: Tilapia auromarginata BOULENGER, 1908
Beschriebene Arten:
Otopharynx aletes OLIVER, 2018
Otopharynx alpha OLIVER, 2018
Otopharynx antron CLEAVER, KONINGS & STAUFFER, 2009
Otopharynx argyrosoma REGAN, 1922
Otopharynx auromarginatus BOULENGER, 1908
Otopharynx brooksi OLIVER, 1989
Otopharynx decorus TREWAVAS, 1935
Otopharynx heterodon TREWAVAS, 1935
Otopharynx lithobates OLIVER, 1989
Otopharynx mumboensis OLIVER, 2018
Otopharynx ovatus TREWAVAS, 1935
Otopharynx pachycheilus ARNEGARD & SNOEKS, 2001
Otopharynx panniculus OLIVER, 2018
Otopharynx peridodeka OLIVER, 2018
Otopharynx selenurus REGAN, 1922
Otopharynx speciosus TREWAVAS, 1935
Otopharynx spelaeotes CLEAVER, KONINGS & STAUFFER, 2009
Otopharynx styrax OLIVER, 2018
Otopharynx tetraspilus TREWAVAS, 1935
Otopharynx tetrastigma GÜNTHER, 1894
Unbeschriebene Arten:
sp. ‚heterodon nankumba‘
sp. ‚auromarginatus goldhead‘
sp. ‚auromarginatus jakuta‘
sp. ‚auromarginatus mara‘
sp. ‚auromarginatus margrette‘
sp. ‚decorus jumbo‘
sp. ‚golden blueface‘
sp. ‚heterodon boadzulu‘
sp. ‚heterodon likoma‘
sp. ‚heterodon longnose‘
sp. ‚ovatus likoma‘
sp. ’silver torpedo‘
sp. ’spots‘
sp. ‚argyrosoma deep‘
sp. ‚Ilamba tetrastigma‘
sp. ‚blue flat-jaw‘
sp. ‚brooksi nkhata‘
sp. ‚circle‘
sp. ‚decorus featherfin‘
sp. ‚elongate-spot tanzania‘
sp. ‚flat jaw‘
sp. ‚golf-head blue‘
sp. ‚heterodon ikombe‘
sp. ‚heterodon low-spot‘
sp. ‚high fin‘
sp. ‚high-fin low-GR‘
sp. ‚red flat-jaw‘
sp. ‚round head‘
sp. ‚tetraspilus molariform‘