Erstbeschreibung: Smith, A. 1838. „Pisces. In: Illustrations of the zoology of South Africa; consisting chiefly of figures and descriptions of the objects of natural history collected during an expedition into the interior of South Africa in 1834-36“. Illustrations of the zoology of South Africa
Typusart: Tilapia sparrmanii SMITH, 1840
Beschriebene Arten:
Tilapia baloni TREWAVAS & STEWART, 1975
Tilapia brevimanus BOULENGER, 1911
Tilapia busumana GÜNTHER, 1903
Tilapia guinasana TREWAVAS, 1936
Tilapia pra DUNZ& SCHLIEWEN, 2010
Tilapia ruweti POLL& Thys van den AUDENAERDE, 1965
Tilapia sparrmanii SMITH, 1840